Saturday, March 28, 2009

And so it begins!

We arrived in Bilbao, Spain, earlier today. The children did great with all the traveling. They did really well on the all night flight from Atlanta to Paris. We only had one mishap, and that was when Eliana got a little bit motion sick and decided to throw up shortly after landing in Paris. But after all, what is travel without a little bit of vomit! As a result, everyone had Dramamine for the final leg of our trip.

We spent that afternoon with some of our team members who are already here, and it was great to get to talk to them face-to-face after having only communicated with them via email, phone, or Skype for nearly a year. I anticipate great things in our work together.

We don't have an apartment yet, so we are staying in a hotel right on the coast (apparently it had the best rate for a family room in the city). This evening I was able to watch people walking along the boardwalk that runs along the coast while waves from the Bay of Biscay broke along the shore. It was the first time I had the opportunity to pray for these people while living amongst them rather than from afar. God is good. May he bless our work here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

So long...

Sorry it has been so long since our last post. Honestly, there isn't much new going on. We have just been doing class and trying to keep everyone well. We are leaving on Friday!! I am sure there will be much more to report as we get there and get settled. We are in need of a new camera so we are praying to find one at a good price so we can adequately document our travels. It will also help to give you a better idea of what our new home looks like and how the children are growing. So you can join us in prayer for a new camera!
We are doing well otherwise, just trying to get organized and all packed up. If you would like to pray specifically for our travels here are the details:
Leaving Richmond Friday at 5:10p -( please pray for my parents and younger sister, they are coming this way tomorrow to help us get ourselves together and to bring us to the airport on Fri.)
We stop over in ATL , then to Paris, and finally to Bilbao. All flights are on Air France.
Please keep the children in your prayers as they will be starting school soon in a new place where no one speaks English! We are praying for just one teacher who understands English and can help them out their first few days.
Pray for speedy language acquisition for us all!!
Thanks for checking in-hoping to get some new posts up this weekend to tell you all about our travels!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Basque Music - Kepa Junkera

A video clip of musician Kepa Junkera and some others playing basque instruments.

19 days and counting...

19 days from today we will be boarding a flight bound for Bilbao, Spain. I cannot believe it is so close. I am grateful that we have already done the majority of our packing and that now all we have to do is collect a few things that will not be as easy to get once we are there. Our classes have been fine- the last two weeks are kind of a blur. This past week we went for 6 days and that is just exhausting. We were in our security and safety training. We were told that we have been given better security training than the US military. You should be proud of  how well our denomination is taking care of us!
We are still waiting on our visas. We know that are in Madrid being processed, we just need them to get back here before the 23rd or so, that way we can get them without any problems on the other side. 
We are getting very excited about our journey and we just cannot believe how far the Lord has taken us in such a short amount of time. Please continue to lift up our future friends in the Basque country. Our other BIG prayer need is our language acquisition. The faster we can learn the faster we will be able to get into our permanent housing in San Sebastian.
Thanks for your love and prayers- they are felt and appreciated.