Monday, April 20, 2009

Nanny Update!

So the Lord has definitely answered our prayers!! We found a girl, she is actually a young woman. Her name is Barbara and she is 26 and he dad is the pastor at one of the evangelical churches here. He mom was actually converted by American M's many years ago and she loves what we are doing here. Barbara has been living in Philly working on her English (yippie she speaks English!) and will be back here next month before starting her masters in Music Ed. next fall. We are just so excited so have home come be with the girls. I am hoping that she will be able to teach them some Spanish. I told her mom that I didn't necessarily want her to speak English to the girls, but that I was super happy that she would be able to understand them. Thanks be to God who gives immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine!
Since she can't start until mid May I am going to be working with a private tutor and then will join Ian in the classroom as soon as Barbara starts. 
Thanks for all of your prayers!!

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